Secretary In
The Future ( Secretary Professional)
Secretary In The Future - Responsibility and Future Role of the Secretary to be tailored to the needs of the times already Evolution Water and future challenges , which also is the work done on the instructions or orders , now grown into a dynamic and self- employment .
Secretary In The Future is now required to be more initiative , proactive , and work independently without constant supervision . What does it mean a secretary without a boss , and what happens if the Boss without a secretary ? both need each other . But if someone could pick sekretris worse and could backfire . Remember , our success as a leader is also supported by the role of secretary reliable .
In the Future Role of the Secretary to Become a Professional Secretary and effective career :
1 . Humans have the ability Resouce
Senior Secretary to act as a coach , even a leader and mentor to all staff required for senior administrative secretary . To review or revise the kenerja staff , as well as other recruitment junior colleagues . For senior secretaries who provide orientation or direction for this new work CO also added to the portfolio of secretary reliable .
In many of today 's companies . A secretary is the most understanding boss style and character . Thus , too, which should be the secretary of the employee understands what is needed more . He was the boss can search and find the right employee for the right job .
2 . Broader scope of work
Thanks to technological developments , the days when the boss was dictating letters to his secretary has now come to an end , managers are now able to handle e - mail itself , they corresponded , calling , making appointments , and even create their own presentations meetingnya . Thus , the role of secretary to the more specific scope of work and take on more senior secretary luas.Para no longer be a typist or telephone receiver , because they have a different mindset about a secretary . They can be a means to extend the network and even decision-makers when the boss is not available .
3 . Tasking capabilities - multi
It is the ability to work on multiple jobs at the same time . SKILL is important enough to have a secretary anywhere . May not be mandatory , but if a secretary has this ability , rarely losing a job and everything can be completed more quickly , because speed is important .
Primary capital to be able to do multi - tasking job is that he must first get used to the good - Organized . He should be used to work with an organized , neat , and terstruktur.Bila can not do the job in one time with maximum results , it is impossible to work in structured before the stress level increases because of multi - tasking job later turmoil .
4 . The specific expertise
For most secretarial jobs they had grown from just the general functions of the specialist function . There is an increasing demand for secretaries who have the expertise or knowledge to be , for example in the fields of law , banking , or even Human Resources , As more and more companies are setting up their own legal departments - home , secretarial skills and specialized knowledge in the relevant fields of the more sought after . Not to mention that more and more banks offer aktraktif salary and bonus for the secretary who prepared and experienced in the field .
5 . Master of Information Management
The Secretary has been turned into a profession that no longer oriented knowledge . They only do administrative work , but could perform tasks for managing information in perusahaan.Mereka directly involved in the flow and storage of information within the company .
They also must be able to guarantee any valuable information can be forwarded or shared efficiently to those in need . All this is very useful to improve the efficiency of cooperation between departments as a whole team .
Keep in mind here that the information in question is not in the form of gossip and also must ensure that the right information right kepihak fall anyway . The Secretary has been seen as an information liaison between departments in many companies , and is also considered as a source of information to be reliable , secretary sometimes know more about what is happening in their corporate bosses .
6 . Customer Service and Research Capabilities
Another advantage of the quality or secretary reliable customer service good.They must often deal with customers or clients , this means they must have a strong knowledge and competence in the field of services .
The ability to gather information is also important because a lot depends on the secretary to seek and gather intelligence , informaasi clients , current industry trends , data base management , and information concerning competitors work . Secretary on the unit , group or groups , so that the secretary who has the ability to be able to collaborate and work together in teams increasingly require .
7 . mastery Technologies
It feels no need to explain that from this point , there is nothing worse than we still have to explain how to open an e - mail or using word processing software to reliably master secretary . The secretary of technology , particularly in the field of communication and all the technology that can facilitate communication , one that is not less important is technology to do a presentation , which is supported by the skills and expertise to perform the secretary's presentation itself .
With the increasing mobility of the work as this.We will need a secretary who can work independently and can rely on even in life for a long time , initiative , self-confident , and wise is the secretary of the qualities needed at this time to be able to keep the " fortress " company while their leaders are not in place .
Secretary In The Future - Responsibility and Future Role of the Secretary to be tailored to the needs of the times already Evolution Water and future challenges , which also is the work done on the instructions or orders , now grown into a dynamic and self- employment .
Secretary In The Future is now required to be more initiative , proactive , and work independently without constant supervision . What does it mean a secretary without a boss , and what happens if the Boss without a secretary ? both need each other . But if someone could pick sekretris worse and could backfire . Remember , our success as a leader is also supported by the role of secretary reliable .
In the Future Role of the Secretary to Become a Professional Secretary and effective career :
1 . Humans have the ability Resouce
Senior Secretary to act as a coach , even a leader and mentor to all staff required for senior administrative secretary . To review or revise the kenerja staff , as well as other recruitment junior colleagues . For senior secretaries who provide orientation or direction for this new work CO also added to the portfolio of secretary reliable .
In many of today 's companies . A secretary is the most understanding boss style and character . Thus , too, which should be the secretary of the employee understands what is needed more . He was the boss can search and find the right employee for the right job .
2 . Broader scope of work
Thanks to technological developments , the days when the boss was dictating letters to his secretary has now come to an end , managers are now able to handle e - mail itself , they corresponded , calling , making appointments , and even create their own presentations meetingnya . Thus , the role of secretary to the more specific scope of work and take on more senior secretary luas.Para no longer be a typist or telephone receiver , because they have a different mindset about a secretary . They can be a means to extend the network and even decision-makers when the boss is not available .
3 . Tasking capabilities - multi
It is the ability to work on multiple jobs at the same time . SKILL is important enough to have a secretary anywhere . May not be mandatory , but if a secretary has this ability , rarely losing a job and everything can be completed more quickly , because speed is important .
Primary capital to be able to do multi - tasking job is that he must first get used to the good - Organized . He should be used to work with an organized , neat , and terstruktur.Bila can not do the job in one time with maximum results , it is impossible to work in structured before the stress level increases because of multi - tasking job later turmoil .
4 . The specific expertise
For most secretarial jobs they had grown from just the general functions of the specialist function . There is an increasing demand for secretaries who have the expertise or knowledge to be , for example in the fields of law , banking , or even Human Resources , As more and more companies are setting up their own legal departments - home , secretarial skills and specialized knowledge in the relevant fields of the more sought after . Not to mention that more and more banks offer aktraktif salary and bonus for the secretary who prepared and experienced in the field .
5 . Master of Information Management
The Secretary has been turned into a profession that no longer oriented knowledge . They only do administrative work , but could perform tasks for managing information in perusahaan.Mereka directly involved in the flow and storage of information within the company .
They also must be able to guarantee any valuable information can be forwarded or shared efficiently to those in need . All this is very useful to improve the efficiency of cooperation between departments as a whole team .
Keep in mind here that the information in question is not in the form of gossip and also must ensure that the right information right kepihak fall anyway . The Secretary has been seen as an information liaison between departments in many companies , and is also considered as a source of information to be reliable , secretary sometimes know more about what is happening in their corporate bosses .
6 . Customer Service and Research Capabilities
Another advantage of the quality or secretary reliable customer service good.They must often deal with customers or clients , this means they must have a strong knowledge and competence in the field of services .
The ability to gather information is also important because a lot depends on the secretary to seek and gather intelligence , informaasi clients , current industry trends , data base management , and information concerning competitors work . Secretary on the unit , group or groups , so that the secretary who has the ability to be able to collaborate and work together in teams increasingly require .
7 . mastery Technologies
It feels no need to explain that from this point , there is nothing worse than we still have to explain how to open an e - mail or using word processing software to reliably master secretary . The secretary of technology , particularly in the field of communication and all the technology that can facilitate communication , one that is not less important is technology to do a presentation , which is supported by the skills and expertise to perform the secretary's presentation itself .
With the increasing mobility of the work as this.We will need a secretary who can work independently and can rely on even in life for a long time , initiative , self-confident , and wise is the secretary of the qualities needed at this time to be able to keep the " fortress " company while their leaders are not in place .
Sekretaris Di Masa Depan (Sekretaris Professional)
Sekretaris Di
Masa Depan - Tanggung Jawab dan Peran Masa Depan Sekretaris yang akan
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan zaman sudah Evolution Air dan tantangan masa depan
, yang sekaligus adalah pekerjaan yang dilakukan pada instruksi atau perintah ,
sekarang tumbuh menjadi dinamis dan mandiri kerja.
Sekretaris Di Masa Depan kini dituntut untuk lebih banyak
inisiatif , proaktif , dan bekerja secara mandiri tanpa pengawasan konstan. Apa
artinya seorang sekretaris tanpa bos , dan apa yang terjadi jika Boss tanpa
sekretaris? keduanya saling membutuhkan . Tapi jika seseorang bisa memilih
sekretris buruk dan bisa menjadi bumerang . Ingat , keberhasilan kita sebagai
seorang pemimpin juga didukung oleh peran sekretaris handal .
Dalam Peran
Masa Depan Sekretaris untuk Menjadi Sekretaris Profesional dan karir yang
efektif :
1. Memiliki kemampuan Resouce Manusia
Senior dapat bertindak sebagai seorang pelatih , bahkan pemimpin dan mentor
kepada semua staf yang dibutuhkan untuk sekretaris senior yang administrasi.
Para untuk meninjau atau merevisi kenerja staf , serta rekan junior proses
perekrutan lainnya. Untuk sekretaris senior yang memberikan orientasi atau arah
untuk CO kerja baru ini juga ditambahkan ke portofolio sekretaris handal .
Di banyak
perusahaan saat ini ini. Seorang sekretaris adalah pemahaman sebagian besar
gaya dan karakter bosnya. Dengan demikian juga, yang seharusnya menjadi
sekretaris karyawan memahami apa yang dibutuhkan lebih tersebut. Ia bos dapat
mencari dan menemukan karyawan yang tepat untuk pekerjaan yang tepat .
2. Lingkup yang lebih luas dari pekerjaan
perkembangan teknologi , hari-hari ketika bos masih surat mendiktekan kepada
sekretarisnya kini berakhir , manajer pun sekarang dapat menangani e - mail
sendiri , Mereka berkorespondensi , menelepon , membuat janji , dan bahkan
membuat presentasi meetingnya sendiri. Dengan demikian , peran sekretaris dapat
lingkup yang lebih spesifik pekerjaan dan mengambil sekretaris lebih senior
luas.Para tidak lagi menjadi juru ketik atau penerima telepon, karena mereka
punya pola pikir yang berbeda tentang seorang sekretaris . Mereka bisa menjadi
sarana untuk memperluas jaringan dan bahkan pengambil keputusan ketika bos
tidak tersedia .
3. Kemampuan tasking - multi
Ini adalah
kemampuan untuk bekerja pada beberapa pekerjaan pada saat yang bersamaan. SKILL
cukup penting untuk memiliki sekretaris dimanapun. Mungkin tidak wajib , tetapi
jika seorang sekretaris memiliki kemampuan ini , jarang kehilangan pekerjaan
dan segala sesuatu dapat diselesaikan lebih cepat, karena kecepatan adalah
penting .
Modal utama untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaan multi- tasking
adalah bahwa dia harus terbiasa dulu dengan baik - Organized. Dia harus
digunakan untuk bekerja dengan terorganisir , rapi, dan terstruktur.Bila tidak
dapat melakukan pekerjaan dalam satu waktu dengan hasil yang maksimal , adalah
mustahil untuk bekerja secara berstruktur sebelum tingkat stresnya meningkat
karena multi - tasking pekerjaan gejolak nanti.
4. Keahlian semakin spesifik
pekerjaan yang paling sekretaris mereka telah tumbuh dari hanya fungsi umum
dalam fungsi spesialis . Ada peningkatan permintaan untuk sekretaris yang memiliki
keahlian atau pengetahuan untuk lebih , misalnya dalam bidang Hukum , Perbankan
, atau Sumber Daya Manusia bahkan, Karena semakin banyak perusahaan yang
mendirikan departemen mereka sendiri hukum - rumah , sekretaris keahlian dan
pengetahuan khusus di bidang yang relevan semakin banyak dicari setelah . Belum
lagi bahwa semakin banyak bank menawarkan gaji aktraktif dan bonus bagi
sekretaris yang disiapkan dan berpengalaman di lapangan .
5. Manajemen Informasi Menguasai
telah berubah menjadi sebuah profesi yang tidak lagi berorientasi knowledge.
Mereka Hanya melakukan pekerjaan administratif , tapi bisa melakukan
tugas-tugas untuk mengelola informasi di perusahaan.Mereka terlibat langsung
dalam aliran dan penyimpanan informasi dalam perusahaan.
Mereka juga harus mampu menjamin setiap informasi yang
berharga dapat diteruskan atau dibagi secara efisien kepada pihak yang
membutuhkan. Semua ini sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kerja sama
antar departemen sebagai seluruh tim .
Perlu diketahui di sini bahwa informasi yang dimaksud adalah
bukan dalam bentuk gosip dan juga harus memastikan bahwa informasi yang tepat
jatuh kepihak yang tepat pula . Sekretaris telah dilihat sebagai informasi
penghubung antar departemen di banyak perusahaan , dan juga dianggap sebagai
sumber informasi yang dapat di andalkan , sekretaris kadang-kadang lebih tahu
banyak tentang apa yang terjadi di perusahaan bos mereka .
6. Customer Service dan Penelitian Kemampuan
Keuntungan lain dari kualitas atau sekretaris layanan pelanggan dapat
diandalkan baik.Mereka harus sering berurusan dengan pelanggan atau klien , ini
berarti mereka harus memiliki knowledge kuat dan kompeten di bidang pelayanan.
Kemampuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi juga penting karena
banyak bergantung pada sekretaris untuk mencari dan mengumpulkan data intelijen
, informaasi klien , tren saat ini industri , manajemen data base , dan
informasi mengenai pekerjaan competitor. Sekretaris pada unit , kelompok atau
kelompok , sehingga sekretaris yang memiliki kemampuan mampu berkolaborasi dan
bekerja sama dalam tim semakin membutuhkan .
7. Penguasaan Teknologi
tidak perlu menjelaskan bahwa dari titik ini , tidak ada yang lebih buruk
daripada kita masih harus menjelaskan bagaimana membuka e - mail atau
menggunakan perangkat lunak pengolah kata untuk andal menguasai sekretaris.
Para sekretaris teknologi , khususnya di bidang komunikasi dan semua teknologi
yang dapat memfasilitasi komunikasi, satu lagi yang tak kalah penting adalah
teknologi untuk melakukan presentasi , yang didukung oleh keterampilan dan
keahlian untuk melakukan presentasi sekretaris itu sendiri .
Dengan meningkatnya mobilitas pekerjaan sebagai ini.Kami
akan membutuhkan sekretaris yang bisa bekerja secara independen dan dapat
mengandalkan bahkan dalam hidup untuk waktu yang lama , inisiatif , percaya
diri , dan bijaksana adalah sekretaris dari kualitas yang diperlukan saat ini
untuk dapat untuk menjaga " benteng " perusahaan sementara para pemimpin mereka
tidak di tempat .
terima kasih kakak..